UAHT Archives holds records that document the governance of the college: administrative and academic activities, policies and programs; special events; college faculty, staff, and administrators; and student life. The holdings of the Archives document significant milestones in the development and history of the college.




01 Institutional Accreditation Records
02 General Administrative Records
03 Professional Program Accreditation Records
04 Program Administrative Records
05 Advisory Committee Records
06 Association and Organization Membership Records
07 Governing Board Records
08 Budget Committee Records
09 College Committee Records
10 College History Records
11 Copyright Records
12 Ephemeral Correspondence
13 Election Records
14 Full-Time Equivalency Records
15 Grant Records, Administrative
16 Institutional Planning Records
17 Legal Case Files
18 Organization Charts
19 Policy and Procedure Manuals
20 Professional Development and Awards Records
21 Records Management and Archives Program Records
22 Signature Authorization Records


01 INSTITUTIONAL ACCREDITATION RECORDS document the institutional accreditation process by the Chancellors Office, project coordinator or designated college department. The records document the information compiled for inclusion in the colleges self-study and other reports provided to the evaluators as well as the response of evaluators. The records may include but are not limited to:

(a) College self-study,
Final evaluation reports.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible office: Instruction and Student Services

(b) Annual reports,
Institutional data sheets,
Interim evaluation reports,
Progress reports,
Resource notebooks,
Responses by the college,
Working papers,
Related correspondence and documentation.

Retention: until accreditation is completed or next accreditation cycle
Disposition: destroy
Responsible office: creating office or department

SEE ALSO: Accreditation Records, Professional Programs

02 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS document internal administration or housekeeping activities of the individual office. In general, these records relate to office organization, staffing, procedures, systems, and communications. These records do not serve as unique documentation of the programs or functions which caused the office to be created. Records may include but are not limited to documentation of:

Day-to-day administration of the office,
Supplies and office services,
Training of office personnel,
Unit activity relating to specific and defined short-term office projects,
Use of office space, equipment, and utilities.

Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible office: creating office or department

03 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM ACCREDITATION RECORDS document the accreditation process for the departments, units, and related programs such as nursing, medical assisting, and EMT programs. Records provide documentation of the materials compiled for inclusion in a report packet sent to the appropriate professional accreditation board of the specific program or service and usually includes the statements on mission, finance, educational programs and departments/divisions make up. Most accreditation organizations produce an evaluation report based on the packet and on-site inspection which is used to determine the accreditation for the units and their programs. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Final reports,
Self-study reports.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department

(b) Accreditation organization
evaluation report,
Statistical data,
Working papers,
Related documentation and correspondence.

Retention: until accreditation completed or next accreditation cycle
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

04 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS document the daily activities and routine business of academic, service, support, and other programs developed and administered by the office or department. The records are used to develop and administer programs and to communicate with other divisions, departments, and programs; other community colleges; state and federal governments; outside businesses and organizations; and faculty and students. Records may include but are not limited to:


Correspondence and memorandum,
Discussion outlines and summaries,
Informal and working files on student progress and administration,
Planning documents,
Reports, surveys, and policy statements,
Staff meeting records (minutes, agendas),
Task assignments,
Working papers,
Related documentation.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible office: creating office or department

05 ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECORDS document the activities of advisory committees which provide advice and assistance regarding professional-technical and other programs. Advisory committee members are generally selected from the community and appointed by the colleges Governing Board. The committees are designed to improve the quality and impact of instructional programs and to ensure that the skills taught are current with those in business, industry, and government. Records may include but are not limited to:

(a) Agendas,
Meeting minutes,

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating department or office

(b) Membership lists,
Working papers,
Other records.

Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating department or office

(c) Resource notebooks.

Retention: Until superseded
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating department or office

06 ASSOCIATION & ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP RECORDS document the relationship and participation of college units with professional, educational, and civic associations and organizations. The colleges role may be one of membership on an advisory or administrative board or participation in a task force or subcommittee. This series refers to records that document the direct involvement of the college or its representative in an organization; it does not include individual staff or faculty membership records. Records may include but are not limited to:

Minutes and agendas,
Promotional information,
Proposals and planning records,
Rules and regulations,
Surveys and questionnaires,
Workshop and conference records,
Related documentation and correspondence.

Retention: Permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Creator

07 GOVERNING BOARD RECORDS document the functions and policies of the Governing Board, Board of Directors, or other similarly named governing bodies of the college. The Governing Board has primary authority for establishing policies governing the operation of the college and adopting the colleges annual budget. The board is composed of elected members from designated geographical zones in the college district. Records include but are not limited to:

(a) Agendas,
Certificates of election,
Meeting minutes,
Oaths of office,
Policies adopted, reauthorized, or disapproved,
Resolutions (Resolutions concerning financial policies and activities may become a part
of the Budget Document.)

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible office: Chancellors Office

(b) Board Mailings: The records may also include a booklet or package of information prepared
before the board meetings. The packet may include the meeting agenda, minutes,
background information about agenda items, reports, action items, and other
information items.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible office: Chancellors Office

(c) Audio recordings of meeting proceedings,

Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible office: Chancellors Office

SEE ALSO:Budget Committee Records

08 BUDGET COMMITTEE RECORDS document the process by which the colleges budget is adopted by the Governing Board. The Budget Committee assists the Governing Board in analyzing the administrations annual budget proposal and is composed of the seven elected members of the Governing Board, seven appointed budget committee members from each of the geographical zones in the college district, and ex-officio members representing the college administration. The Budget Committee bases its discussions on the Budget Book, which is a compilation of budgets from each of the college areas prepared by the budget officer. Public hearings on the budget are held at one of the regularly scheduled Governing Board meetings. Records include but are not limited to:

(a) Agendas,
Budget books,
Recommendations from the budget officer or committee.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Chancellors Office

(b) Committee membership applications,
Records of the public hearings,
Other records.

Retention: 2 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Chancellors Office

SEE ALSO: Governing Board Records
Budget Records

09 COLLEGE COMMITTEE RECORDS document the activities of standing and ad hoc college committees and councils made up of members from a variety of units within the college. The committees are charged with formulating and recommending institutional policies and procedures: establishing standards and requirements; performing an advisory function; reviewing petitions, appeals, and deviations from policy; facilitating communication; or finding solutions to specific problems, barriers, or challenges. Types of committees include administrative, standing, review, advisory, steering, activities, and planning committees, councils, and task forces. Records include but are not limited to:

(a) Agendas,
Meeting minutes or notes,

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office, department, or committee

(b) Appointment, biographical, and other information about committee members,
Working papers.

Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office, department, or committee

SEE ALSO: Advisory Committee Records

10 COLLEGE HISTORY FILES document significant events in the college or departments past. Records may include records on the formation and naming of the college; lists or descriptions of landmarks or significant college events; college histories; progress and planning reports; biographies and records of past Chancellors, administrators, faculty, or staff; and newsletters or other publications. Records may include but are not limited to:

Lists of awards received by the college,
Newspaper clippings,
Press releases,
Published and unpublished historical sketches,

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department

11 COPYRIGHT RECORDS document application and permission to reproduce, distribute, adapt, perform, or display copyrighted material of all kinds for academic and other purposes. Approval may be for a single use, unlimited use, permission to reproduce a specified number of copies, permission for a specific date or date span, permission to use for a defined purpose or audience, or other conditions. Records may include but are not limited to:

Application and approval forms,
Copies of subject material (paper and other media).

Retention: 5 years after expiration of copyright
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

12 EPHEMERAL CORRESPONDENCE document communications received or sent which do not contain specific information about programs or operations or require action. Records may include but are not limited to:

Advertising circulars,
Desk notes,
Other records of a preliminary or informational nature.

Retention: until read
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

13 ELECTION RECORDS document the process whereby tax levy, bond measures, and other issues receive voter approval. Records may include but are not limited to:

(a) Ballot title,
Election results (certified copy).

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Chancellors Office

(b) Ballot title and wording records,
County election filing forms,
Election cost records,
Election tax levy history,
Precinct maps,
Promotion and advertising records.

Retention: 15 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center
Responsible unit: creating office or department

SEE ALSO: Bond Records, Financial

14 FULL-TIME EQUIVALENCY RECORDS document the numbers of students enrolled in the college in terms of full-time equivalency (FTE). The reports are used for internal statistical information and analysis and to generate reports to the federal and state governments. Reports are generated from the student academic records database and track the FTE in various departments, programs, or courses.

Retention: 10 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center
Responsible unit: creating office or department

SEE ALSO: Course Enrollment Summaries
Institutional Research and Reporting Records

15 ADMINISTRATIVE GRANT RECORDS document the application, evaluation, awarding, administration, monitoring, and status of grants in which the college or department is the recipient, grantor, allocator, or administrator. Grants may come from local or state governments or foundation and other private funding sources. Records may include but are not limited to:

Applications including project proposals, summaries, objectives, activities, budgets, exhibits,
and award notification;
Grant evaluation records and recommendations concerning grant application;
Records of administration of grants including equipment purchasing and disposition of records;
Records monitoring project plans and measuring achievement;
Reports to the funding agency on the use of their grant funds.

(a) Final grant product or report.

Retention: permanant
Disposition: transfer to Archives

(b) Contracts or agreements documenting building construction, alterations, or repair:
10 years after substantial completion,
(c) Other contracts: 6 years after expiration,
(d) Unsuccessful grant applications: 1 year,
(e) Fixed assets records: 2 years after disposition of assets,
(f) All other records: 5 years after final or annual expenditure report accepted.

Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

SEE ALSO: Grant Records,

16 INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING RECORDS document the development of short-term or Long-term plans for the institution and other special projects related to the organizational development of the college. Records may include but are not limited to:

Final Report,
Instructions from the Chancellor or other administrator explaining the nature and purpose of the requested strategic planning effort,
Internal planning committee materials,
Statements of objectives, missions and goals,
Strategic planning reports activity reports.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department

17 LEGAL CASE FILES document the management and monitoring of legal cases involving the college. Records may include:

Briefs Motions Requests for judicial review
Complaints Notices of appeal Subpoenas
Correspondence Petitions Transcripts
Court orders Pleadings Work notes
Depositions Police reports  
Exhibits Requests for hearing  
Investigatory material    


Retention: 5 years after closed
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

NOTE: Portions may be exempt from public disclosure during specific periods of the case.

18 ORGANIZATION CHARTS show the lines of administrative responsibility within the college. Records consist of final organization charts.

Retention: until superseded
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

19 POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUALS document and distribute college policies and procedures approved by the board. The records include:

Policy and procedure manuals,
Related guidelines on personnel, purchasing, and board grievance procedures.

Retention: Permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department

20 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARDS RECORDS document programs that encourage participation in professional activities, recognize excellence in college staff and faculty, and provide opportunities for career advancement. Series may include professional development records which support travel to make presentations at professional meetings, participation in professional organizations or activities, or attendance at conferences; awards which recognize teaching skills; and visiting scholar programs. Records may include but are not limited to:

Activities documentation,
Arrangements and schedules,
Lists of participants or recipients,
Presentation transcripts or published works,
Publicity and news clippings,
Review and approval documentation.
Related documentation.

Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

21 RECORDS MANAGEMENT & ARCHIVES PROGRAM RECORDS document colleges records management program the inventory, retention scheduling, storage, and disposition of non-permanent records. The records also document the colleges archives program including appraising, acquiring, describing, processing, retrieval, and disposition of permanent records. The records may include but are not limited to:

(a) Accession registers,
Dispositon records,
Finding aids,
Reference and research records,
Statistical reports.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Archives & Records Management

(b) Records management manuals or handbooks

Retention: until superseded
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Archives & Records Management

22 SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION RECORDS certify that designated college employees are authorized to sign fiscal and contractual documents.

Retention: 6 years after authorization expires
Disposition: transfer to Archives, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department



01 Bids and Awards Records
02 Contracts and Agreements
03 Instructional Agreements and Recordspan>
04 Personal Service Contracts
05 Software Licensing Agreements
06 Title and Deed Records

01 Bids and Awards Records document the procurement process including advertising, evaluation and award of bids to vendors or agencies and provide evidence of accepted and rejected bids for services and products. Records may include but are not limited to:

Accepted and rejected bids records,
Advertising records such as requests for information (RFIs) and request for proposals (RFPs),
Bid and quote lists,
Bid specifications,
Comparison summaries,
Notices of bid opening and award,
Selection of agents of record records,
Tabulation worksheets,
Tally sheets.

(a) Accepted improvement bids: 10 years after substantial completion
(b) Other accepted bids: 6 years after bid awarded or canceled
(c) Rejected bids or bid exemptions: 2 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

SEE ALSO: Purchasing Records


02 Contracts and Agreements document the negotiation, execution, completion, and termination of legal agreements, and the purchase and sale of land and buildings between the college and other parties. Records include but are not limited to:


Contract or agreement,
Contract review records,
Facilities scheduling,
Instructional services agreements,
Lease agreements,
Legal records,
Prevailing wage reports and other documentation furnished by the Bureau of Labor and Industry,
Title insurance policies and forms.

(a) Contracts or agreements documenting building construction, alterations, or repair: for life
of structure
(b) Other contracts and agreements: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: transfer to College Operations/Budget Office
Responsble unit: College Operations/Budget Office


SEE ALSO: Instructional Agreements and Records


03 Instructional Agreements and Records document the participation of the college in a variety of educational courses and programs. Records may document the contract or agreements as well as he administrative activities and student records concerned with these programs.


Types of agreements may include:


  • Articulation agreements with high schools (2+2, Step Ahead, Alternative Education, GED/ELS, and High School Services), other community colleges, and four year institutions;
  • Instructional Services Agreements which document agreements between college and other entities, including the state government, for educational services; and
  • Short-Term Contracted Training Records which document non-degree, non-credit, short-term classes that enable persons in business, government, industry, or the general public to learn new skills or update existing

Records may include but are not limited to:
Class lists,
Contracts or agreements,
Course and credit records,
Payment records,
Registration records,
Working files,
Related documentation.

(a) Working papers: Until contract is finalized
(b) Other records: 6 years after expiration of contract
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsble unit: creating office or department


04 Personal Service Contracts document contractual agreements made by the college with individuals or firms for service rendered. Records may include but are not limited to:


Contractor selection statements,
Expense records,
Justification statements,

Retention: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsble unit: creating office or department


05 Software Licensing Agreements document computer software licensing agreements. Records may include but are not limited to licensing agreements for word processing, database managing, and other software programs used in offices and classrooms. The contracts may include but are not limited to name of the software; ISBN number; name of the publisher; licensee name, title, department, and office location; institution name and address; authorized signature; and related documentation. Records may also include statistical reports on the number of students using the licensed programs and the number of hours in use.

Retention: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

SEE ALSO: Software Management Records


06 Title and Deed Records document the real property acquired or sold by the college. The records may include but are not limited to:


County recorders plat descriptions,
Earnest money receipts,
Easement details,
Memoranda of understanding,
Property deeds,
Public hearing notices and minutes,
Purchase agreements,
Sales agreements,
Title abstracts,
Working papers.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsble unit: College Operations/Budget Office



01 Academic Calendar Records
02 Program Accreditation Records
03 Class Lists
04 Class Scheduling Records
05 College Catalog Records
06 Program Correction Records
07 Course Enrollment Summaries
08 Course Lists
09 Course Outline Records
10 Course Syllabus Records
11 Curriculum Committee Records
12 Curriculum Development Funds Records
13 Concurrent Enrollment Records
14 Program Development Records
15 Program Student Handbooks
16 Small Business Development Center Statistical Reports

01 Academic Calendar Records document dates and deadlines of significance to faculty, staff, and students. Calendars are produced quarterly and annually and include but are not limited to dates and deadlines for the academic term, registration, final examinations, holidays and breaks, personnel matters, reports, and related events.

Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Instruction and Student Services


SEE ALSO: Publications


02 Program Accreditation Records document the accreditation process for the departments, units, and related programs such as nursing, medical assisting, dental assisting, and EMT programs. Records provide documentation of the materials compiled for inclusion in a report packet sent to the appropriate professional accreditation board of the specific program or service and usually includes the statements on mission, finance, educational programs and departments/divisions make up. Most accreditation organizations produce an evaluation report based on the packet and on-site inspection which is used to determine the accreditation for the units and their programs. Records may include but are not limited to:

(a) Final reports,
Self-study reports.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department


(b) Accreditation organization evaluation report,
Statistical data,
Working papers,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: until accreditation completed or next accreditation cycle
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


03 Class Lists provide instructional units with an official record of students enrolled in courses taught. Records are used to track enrollment, registration, and attendance. Information in the series may include but is not limited to student name and social security number; academic term; course name; enrollment and registration status; payment status; handwritten instructor notes and comments; and related documentation.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


04 Class Scheduling Records document the final draft of the schedule of classes booklet. Information includes registration instructions, list of classes, date and time held, and instructor.


(a) Published class schedule booklet,
Revisions to class schedule booklet.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Curriculum and Scheduling


(b) Other records,
Working documents and drafts.


Retention: 10 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


Course Lists


05 College Catalog Records provide a record of institutional policies and procedures, program requirements, and course offerings. Information in the individual catalogs includes academic policies and procedures, program names and descriptions, alphanumeric course designations, credits offered per course, and related program and course information. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Published catalog

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Curriculum and Scheduling


(b) Other records:
Drafts of catalogs,
Preparation and working papers,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: 1 year after catalog published
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Curriculum and Scheduling


(c) Catalog with change and revisions,
Correspondence about catalog changes.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Curriculum and Scheduling


Course Lists


06 Program Correction Records document the services and programs offered by the college at correctional institutions. Records may include but are not limited to training records which inform the faculty about special rules and regulations concerned with teaching in a correctional facility; computer and software records which document the purchase and use of computers and software by the college and kept in the institutions; textbook inventories of books purchased by the college for use by students in the institutions; and related documentation and correspondence.


(a) Computer hardware and software records: 1 year after disposal of equipment,
(b) Other records: 5 years
Dispostion: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


07 Course Enrollment Summaries document the enrollment in courses during each academic term. Records include information concerning the organizational unit; course identification number; course sequence number; instructors name; course title; course section; lecture or lab designation; time and location of course; maximum seat count; number of students actually registered for the course; and related documentation. Enrollment summaries may be produced at the fourth week and at the end of the term.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Full-time Equivalency Records


08 Course Lists provide a record of all existing courses. Records consist of a computer document which includes but is not limited to course identification number; course title; number of credits (lecture, lab, and total); number of contact hours or work load; number of weeks in term; tuition and fees; funding formula code; organizational unit; classification of instructional programs (C.I.P. number) interest area or topic in quarterly schedule; prerequisites; pay level; and related information.


Course Master Files,
Core courses.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Curriculum and Scheduling


09 Course Outline Records document the content of credit and non-credit courses offered on- and off-campus by academic departments. Records include the course outlines and the working files of the department used to create the course outline and to receive approval from the Curriculum Coordinator. The course outlines include but are not limited to the course title; course identification number; number of instructional hours and credits; prerequisites; required text(s); course description; performance based learner outcomes; and an outline of the course content. The working files may also include copies of applications for course approval; and related documentation and correspondence. Records may include:


Course outlines,
Working files.


Retention: 5 years after superseded
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating department


10 Course Syllabus Records document the agreement between the student and the instructor which communicated the expectations of the instructor and the goals of the course. Records may include but are not limited to the course title and number; instructor name and phone number; class meeting times and location; instructor office location and office hours; course description performance-based learner outcomes; required textbook(s); outline of topics and/or assignments; grading procedures; testing information; and additional references or recommended readings.


Retention: 3 years after superseded
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


11 Curriculum Committee


Records include but are not limited to:


Curriculum Committee minutes


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department


12 Curriculum Development Funds Records document the application and approval process of providing funds for faculty to develop or revise program curriculum in a course, to revise complete programs, or to update curriculum strategies and instruction. Records include but are not limited to:


Applications and supporting documentation,
Review and approval documentation,
Summary list of recipients,
Report or other product of curriculum development project,
Related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: 3 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


13 Concurrent Enrollment Records document the approval of programs offered by community colleges to area high schools, including but not limited to alternative education, GED and high school completing, English-as-a-Second- Language, college technical and transfer level courses, and career development activities for credit. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Contracts and agreements: 6 years after expiration
(b) Related documentation and other records: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records


14 Program Development Records document the planning and development of new academic programs and contains the records of short-term training programs as well as one- and two-year programs that have been approved. Information in the records include the program title, length of program, description of program, form of recognition, admission requirements, student recruitment efforts, curriculum, budgetary impact analysis, and related documentation.


Records also contain working papers and the program application which may include projected employment, labor market analysis, and information about career opportunities for students who complete the program; business and industry partnership programs; feasibility survey; needs survey; projected enrollment and completion rates; SCANS (Secretarys Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) Competencies Matrix; and instructor qualifications. The program development records are sent to the Oregon Department of Education for approval of new programs and options. Impact statements concerning the new program are sent to all colleges and universities in the state for


(a) Working papers: 1 year
(b) Other records: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Curriculum and Scheduling


SEE ALSO: Course Outline Records

15 Program Student Handbooks document the requirements, policies, and offerings of specific instructional units for use by current or potential students. Records may contain information or policies on fields of study; faculty; and academic requirements. Handbooks may be issued for programs such as automotive, emergency medical technician, nursing, fire science, humanities, office administration and technology, human resources, construction skills training, and dental assisting.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


16 Small Business Development Center Statistical Reports document statistical reports prepared by the small business development center which provides training and counseling to persons in business or to those who want to learn how to run a business. Reports contain data on number of new and ongoing clients served, number of businesses counseled, and use of reference library.


Retention: 10 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department



01 Distance Education Records
02 FCC License Records


01 Distance Education Records are used to facilitate the production and presentation of courses by mail, television, video tape, computer modem, Ed-net, on-line media, and other electronic means. The tele-courses may be conducted by college instructors or produced, leased, and licensed by others via satellite or other means of transmission or broadcast. The records may include but are not limited to:


(a) License agreements concerning the acquisition of the material and the services provided by vendors such as wireless cable operators. License agreements may contain vendors terms of use, copyright provisions, and related documentation.


Retention: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


(b) Other records:
Annual statistical and narrative reports and summaries about enrollment, growth, and trends in distance education,
Course lists,
Evaluations and surveys,
Marketing records,
Teachers lists.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department



02 FCC License Records document the process of obtaining licenses for television, wireless, radio, and mobile communication frequencies from the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Records may include but are not limited to:


Contract approval records,
Correspondence, <
Excess capacity agreements,
Legal options,
Related documentation.


Retention: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department




01 Equipment and Furniture Inventory Records
02 Equipment Ownership and Operation Records
03 Vehicle Records


01 Equipment and Furniture Inventory Records document the location of college-owned furniture and equipment, and the use and transfer of college-owned property and equipment. Records may include


(a) Property inventory listings.


Retention: until superseded


(b) Correspondence,
Equipment transfer memoranda or forms,
Property disposition requests and notices,


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible units: Facilities Management and Planning or Purchasing



02 Equipment Ownership and Operation Records provide information
on individual pieces of equipment as defined by the state ($5,000) held by the college and may provide support documentation for warranty,
operation, maintenance, service, and repair. Records may include but are not limited to:


Instructions and operating manuals,
Maintenance agreements or contracts,
Maintenance records,
Serial numbers of equipment,
Service call reports,
Shipping manifests or packing slips,
Vendor information,
Warrantees and guarantees,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: 2 years after disposition of property
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department



03 Vehicle Records document the administration of vehicles such as cars, vans, trucks, trailers, boats, tractors, and farm vehicles for accounting and insurance purposes. Records may include but are not limited to:

(a) Vehicle titles


Retention: Until vehicle disposed of or transferred to new owner
Disposition: transfer to Purchasing
Responsible unit: Purchasing


(b) Maintenance agreements,
Service records,
Vehicle registrations,
Vehicle warranties.


Retention: 2 years after disposition of vehicle
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning


(c) Scheduling records,
Transportation request forms listing the beginning and ending mileage of the vehicle,
Vehicle inventories containing information regarding description, dollar value,
and date of purchase,
Vehicle usage records,
Related documentation and correspondence,
Other records


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning




01 Building and Grounds Repair, Remodeling, and Construction Records
02 Facilities Inventory Records
03 Prevailing Wage Reports Records
04 Utility Systems and Equipment Operation Manuals & Maintenance Records

01 Building and Grounds Repair, Remodeling, and Construction Records document the condition, upkeep, and routine maintenance of college buildings and grounds and the planning, administration, and implementation of current and potential capital construction projects on campus. It also documents remodeling and construction projects. Also used to forecast needs for projects and as a reference to projects completed. Records may include but are not limited to:


Building inspection reports,
Fire marshals compliance inspection reports,
Floor plans,
Maintenance agreements,
Permits project descriptions and requirements,
Plan reviews,
Project schedules,
Work logs and work orders,
Related documentation and correspondence.
Series may also include records of remodeling or construction due to American Disability Act
(ADA) requirements.


(a) Contracts or agreements documenting building construction, alterations, or repair


Retention: 10 years after substantial completion (ORS 12.080 and 12.135) or life of structure


(b) Other records


Retention: for the life of the structure
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning


SEE ALSO: Work Orders


02 Facilities Inventory Records document the value of lands and buildings owned by the college and of the changes in utilization of space due to remodeling, minor reallocation, and new construction. Records may include but are not limited to:


Date acquired,
Inventory listing each campus building and parcel of real estate,
Inventory and other working documents which include the building name, room number and condition,
type of space, and square footage,
Operating and maintenance cost records,
Property descriptions,
Utilization of building space records,
Related documentation and correspondence.
Records include the records of buildings and lands on and off the main campus.


Retention: Until superseded
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning


document the prevailing wage rate schedule for workers on college construction projects. Records contain the certified payroll records of construction companies engaged in college projects. This information on prevailing wages is supplied to unions and other interested parties. Records may also contain annual planned project list and other documentation furnished by the Bureau of Labor and Industry.


Retention: 5 years after completion of project
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning



document the operations and maintenance of college utilities equipment. Records may include but are not limited to:


Equipment maintenance histories,
Equipment operations log,
Mechanical readings charts,


Retention: two years after equipment is no longer in service
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning





01 Federal Title IV, Program Records, Institutional
02 FFELP and Direct Loan Records
03 Financial Aid Annual Reports
04 Fiscal Records and Reports
05 Perkins Loan Program Records
06 Student Consumer Information Records
07 Student Financial Aid Records
08 Student Records, Institutional

01 Federal Title IV, Program Records, Institutional, document eligibility to participate in and the schools administration of Federal Title IV and programs. Records include:


Accreditation reviews,
Audits and program reviews,
Consortia Agreements between and among schools,
Education program eligibility records,
Institutional Program Participation Agreements,
Recertification records,
State agency reports.
Records include other records, as specified in regulations, that pertain to factors of financial responsibility and standards of administrative capability.


(a) Agreements


Retention: 6 years after expiration


(b) Records pertaining to borrower eligibility.


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the student borrower last
attended the institution


(c) Fiscal Operations Report, Application to Participate and supporting documentation.


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the FISAP is submitted
(that is, 4 years)


(d) Records involved in any loan, claim, or expenditure questioned by a Title IV, HEA program audit or review, investigation, or other review.


Retention: until the resolution of that questioned loan, claim, or expenditure; or the end of the retention period applicable to the record, whichever is longer


Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy

Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office


SEE ALSO: Accreditation Records,
Institutional Fiscal Records and Reports


02 FFELP and Direct Loan Records relate to Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) and Direct Loan Programs. Records may include but are not limited to:


Disbursement records,
Eligibility (student and/or parent) records,
Promissory notes,
Student Status Confirmation Reports (SSCR).



(a) Records relating to a student or parent borrowers eligibility.


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the student borrower last attended the institution


(b) Other records relating to the participation in FFELP or Direct Loan Program.


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the records are submitted


(c) Records involved in any loan, claim, or expenditure questioned by a Title IV, HEA program audit
or review, investigation, or other review.


Retention: until the resolution of that questioned loan, claim, or expenditure; or the end of the retention period applicable to the record, whichever is longer
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office


03 Financial Aid Annual Reports document cumulative loan activity of each fiscal year through a required year-end report made to the U. S. Department of Education. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Audit reports,


Retention: 20 years


(b) Other records,
Related documentation and correspondence,
Schedules and instructions,
Working papers.


Retention: Until completion of audit
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office



04 Fiscal Records and Reports document Federal Title IV Aid transactions, including receipt, management and disbursement of funds. Records include all Title IV program transactions including but not limited to:


(a) Fiscal Operations Report, Application to Participate (FISAP)


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the FISAP was submitted (that is, 4 years)


(b) Other records:
Bank statements for all accounts containing Title IV payments, cash disbursements, refunds,
and repayments,
Federal work-study payroll records,
General ledgers (must be separate from schools other financial transactions),
Related ledgers that identify each Title IV program transaction.
Supporting data appearing on required reports:
~ Accrediting and licensing agency reports,
~ Audit reports and school responses,
~ ED Payment Management system cash requests and quarterly or monthly reports,
~ Federal Pell Grant Statements of Account,
~ State Grant and Scholarship award rosters and reports,
~ Title IV program reconciliation reports.

Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year unless otherwise specified
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office



05 Perkins Loan Program Records relate to Perkins Student Loan, National Direct Student Loan, and Nursing Loan; and show each borrowers payment history (showing date and amount of each repayment) and amount of each repayment credited to principal, interest, collection costs, and penalty or late charges. Records include documentation of each contact with borrower or endorser in collection of overdue loan, including date, nature, result of the contact, and copies of all correspondence, collection agency reports, and litigation records.


(a) Records relating to the administration of the loan


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year for which aid was awarded and disbursed


(b) Fiscal Operations Report, Application to Participate and supporting documentation


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the FISAP is submitted


(c) Records involved in any loan, claim, or expenditure questioned by a Title IV, HEA program audit
or review, investigation, or other review


Retention: until the resolution of that questioned loan, claim, or expenditure;
or the end of the retention period applicable to the record, whichever is longer
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office



06 Student Consumer Information Records apply to all schools participating in Federal Title IV Aid Programs. Records may include but are not limited to:


Campus security report and timely warnings,
College catalog and term class schedules,
Documentation supporting all calculations and statistics,
Drug and alcohol abuse prevention information,
Drug-free workplace information,
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) records,
FERPA records,
Right to Know completion or graduation and transfer-out rates,
Student handbook or other publications


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which information was published
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office


SEE ALSO: Student Academic Advising Records
Student Academic Records
Student Handbooks


07 Student Financial Aid Records document student eligibility common to all Federal Title IV Aid Programs. Records may include, but are not limited to:


Cost of attendance information,
Documentation of all professional judgments decisions,
Documentation of amount, date, and basis of all refund and repayment calculations for a student
(last dates of attendance, grade rosters),
Documentation of need and eligibility for Title IV funds,
Documentation of outside resources,
Documentation of students satisfactory academic progress,
Documents used to verify applicant data,
Financial aid history information for transfer students,
Student Aid Report (SAR) or Institutional Student Information Report (ISIR) used to determine
Student certification statements and supporting documentation,


(a) PLUS Records, Records relating to a student or parent borrowers eligibility


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the student borrower last attended the institution


(b) Other records relating to the participation in FFELP or Direct Loan Program


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the records are submitted


(c) Fiscal Operations Report, Application to Participate (FISAP) and supporting documentation


Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the FISAP is submitted
(that is, 4 years)


(d) Records involved in any loan, claim, or expenditure questioned by a Title IV, HEA program audit
or review, investigation, or other review


Retention: until the resolution of that questioned loan, claim, or expenditure; or the end
of the retention period applicable to the record, whichever is longer
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.

SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records
Veterans Student Records


08 Institutional Student Records establish student admission, enrollment status, period of enrollment and academic progress. Records include:


Cost of attendance information,
Documentation of all professional judgments decisions,
Documentation of amount, date, and basis of all refund and repayment calculations for a student
(last dates of attendance, grade rosters),
Documentation of need and eligibility for Title IV funds,
Documentation of outside resources,
Documentation of students satisfactory academic progress,
Documents used to verify applicant data,
Financial aid history information for transfer students,
Student Aid Report (SAR) or Institutional Student Information Report (ISIR) used to determine eligibility,
Student certification statements and supporting documentation,


PLUS Records, Records relating to a student or parent borrowers eligibility

Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the student borrower last attended the institution


(b) Other records relating to the participation in FFELP or Direct Loan Program

Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the records are submitted


(c) Fiscal Operations Report, Application to Participate (FISAP) and supporting documentation

Retention: 3 years after the end of the award year in which the FISAP is submitted (that is, 4 years)


(d) Records involved in any loan, claim, or expenditure questioned by a Title IV, HEA program audit or review,
investigation, or other review

Retention: until the resolution of that questioned loan, claim, or expenditure; or the end of the retention period
applicable to the record, whichever is longer
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Financial Aid Office


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.

SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records
Veterans Student Records





01 Account Reconciliation Records
02 Accounts Payable Records
03 Accounts Receivable Records
04 Annual Financial Reports
05 Audit Reports
06 Financial Bond Records
07 Budget Planning and Preparation Records
08 Budget Records
09 Budget Status Reports
10 Capital Construction Funding Records
11 Fiscal Correspondence
12 General Ledger and Trial Balance Records
13 Grant Records, Financial
14 Journal Vouchers
15 Purchasing Records
16 Receipts and Receipt Registers
17 Subsidiary Ledgers, Journals, and Registers

01 Account Reconciliation Records document the reconciliation of funds and accounts such as checks, cash, and bank accounts, fixed assets to capital expenditures. Records may include but are not limited to:


Bank statements,
Other supporting documentation.


(a) Federal grant records:

Retention: 5 years after annual financial report accepted
Disposition: destroy
Responsible office: College Finance


(b) Other records:

Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible office: College Finance


02 Accounts Payable Records document expenditures and purchases and provide a record of payment of bills. Records may include but are not limited to:


Balance sheets,
Checks requests,
Encumbrance registers,
Invoice vouchers,
Journal vouchers/entry forms,
Payment authorizations,
Petty cash,
Price quotes,
Purchase requisitions,
Reports of receipt of goods or services,
Voucher registers,
Related correspondence and documentation.


(a) Federal grant records:

Retention: 6 years after annual financial report accepted
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Finance


(b) Other records:

Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible office: College Finance


SEE ALSO: Purchasing Records


03 Accounts Receivable Records document current status and transaction activity of college funds held in bank accounts, billings and collections, deferred tuition, and provides a record of money and miscellaneous debts owed to the college. Records may include account aging reports which are used to monitor accounts which are outstanding and overdue. Records may include but are not limited to:


Account edit sheets,
Account aging reports,
Bank statements,
Credit card payment forms,
Journal vouchers,
Reconciliation worksheets or spreadsheets,
Validated deposit slips and/or paid check copies.


Retention: 7 years after reconciled or deemed uncollectible
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Finance



04 Annual Financial Reports document the colleges financial condition and results of operation using trial balance data. These reports are used to report and monitor the colleges financial condition, and as a reference by auditors. Records may include:


Audit reports,
Budget status reports,
Changes in fund balance,
Combined balance sheets,
Combined statements of revenues,
General ledger reports,
Notes to the financial statement,
Statistical reports,
Trial balance reports.


Retention: 20 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Finance


SEE ALSO: Audit Reports


05 Audit Reports document the examination of the colleges financial condition by internal or independent auditors. Audits examine the fiscal condition, internal controls and compliance policies and procedures, accounting principles and methods, the accuracy and legality of transactions. Records may include performance or program audits. Records may include but are not limited to:


Audit reports,
Audit work-papers,
Supporting documentation.


(a) Official copy of college audit and responses:


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible office: College Finance


(b) Other audits:


Retention: 20 years


(c) Grant fund audits:


Retention: 5 years


(d) Other records:


Retention: 1 year after audit completed
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Finance


SEE ALSO: Annual Financial Reports


06 Bond Records document the authorization and payment of bonds to finance college construction and improvements. Records may include but are not limited to:


Bond ratings,
Bond registers,
G.O. Bonds and certificates of participation,
Paid bonds,
Revenue bonds,
Sample copies of bonds issued,
Supporting financial documentation.


Retention: 3 years after final payment
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Finance


SEE ALSO: Election Records


07 Budget Planning and Preparation Records are used to develop, propose, and plan budget requests for units, departments, or the college. Records may include but are not limited to:


Allotment reports,
Budget committee minutes and agendas,
Budget development instructions,
Budget instructions and guidelines,
Budget requests,
Budget worksheets (past and current),
Capital outlay reports,
Compensation plan proposals,
Contingency plans,
Decision packages,
Equipment need reports,
Expenditure projection work papers,
Miscellaneous income reports,
Salary worksheets,
Spending plans,
Spread sheets.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Operations-Budget Office or creating office


SEE ALSO: Board of Education Records
Budget Committee Records


08 Budget Records document the annual financial plan approved by the colleges governing board. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Adopted budgets (Budget Document)


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible office: College Operations-Budget Office


(b) Budget allotment reports,
Budget messages,
Debt service, position, and wage analysis,
Operating programs,
Revenue and expenditure tracking records,
Status reports.


Retention: most recent 2 budgets
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Operations-Budget Office


SEE ALSO: Budget Committee Records
Budget Planning and Preparation Records
Budget Status Reports


09 Budget Status Reports document departmental expenditures in relation to the approved budget and are used to monitor allotments, and expenditures. Records may include monthly or quarterly printouts of departmental expenditures and amounts available for use in various funds and accounts. Printout information may include but is not limited to fund or account name and/or code; object description; encumbrances or amount allocated; expenditures; balances; and related data.


Detail Expenditure Reports (DERs) including financial reports and transfer resolutions documenting budget transfers to original appropriations which are submitted to the Board.

(a) Year-end report: 5 years
(b) All other reports: Until superseded
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible office: College Finance
College Operations-Budget Office

SEE ALSO: Budget Planning and Preparation Records
Budget Records


10 Capital Construction Funding Records document the funding of capital construction projects on campus, and are used to prepare budgets and allocations for capital construction projects. Records may include but are not limited to:


Budget authorization forms,
Budget change orders,
Budget projection and allocation records,
Final acceptance statements,
Project descriptions,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: life of structure
Disposition: transfer to Records Center
Responsible unit: creating office or department


11 Fiscal Correspondence document significant communication between the college and other government agencies, vendors, students, and the public pertaining to fiscal policy, obligations, revenue and transactions. Records include letters sent and received by the colleges administrative and/or business office staff.


Retention: 3 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Administrative Records, Program


12 General Ledger and Trial Balance Records provide a comprehensive listing of all fiscal transactions of the college and are used to prepare the colleges Financial Reports. The General Ledger provides a record of fiscal transactions for all asset, liability, owners equity, revenue, and expenditure accounts for the college. The Trial Balance provides a list of all open accounts in the General Ledger and reflects the current financial position of the college. Information includes: debit, credit, and balance amounts per fund and account.


(a) Fiscal year-end reports: 20 years
(b) Other reports: Until superseded
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: College Finance


SEE ALSO: Annual Financial Reports
Subsidiary Ledgers, Journals, and Registers


13 Grant Records, Financial document the expenditure data and status of federal and other grants received by the college. The records may include but are not limited to:


Adjustment notices,
Allocation preparation reports,
Capital outlay expenditure reports,
Federal evaluations,
Financial reports,
Fixed-asset purchase, inventory, and disposal records,
Fund requests,
Grant applications,
Grant status summaries,
Notices of grant awards,
Performance reports,
Project narratives,
Project reports,
Project reviews,
Proposed budgets,
Quarterly, annual and final expenditure reports,
reimbursement requests.


(a) Fixed asset records: 2 years after disposition of assets
(b) Other records: 6 years after final or annual expenditure report accepted
Disposition: transfer to Records Center; destroy
Responsible unit: College Finance


SEE ALSO: Grant Records, Administrative


14 Journal Vouchers document authorization and movement of funds between college accounts and cost center. The records include journal vouchers which show account numbers, amount, authorizing signature, and related information. The records may also include intra-institutional vouchers which provide detail of internal charge-backs for campus services such as phones, postage, copying and media. May also include documentation explaining and/or justifying transfer.


Retention: 3 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: College Finance


15 Purchasing Records document the purchase of goods and services by the college. Records may include but are not limited to:


Contract release orders,
Purchase authorizations,
Purchase orders,
Telephone service orders,
Vendor files,


(a) Vendor files: Until superseded or obsolete;
(b) Other records: 3 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Purchasing Services


SEE ALSO: Bids and Award Records


16 Receipts and Receipt Registers document cash received or distributed by the college. It also documents all money received and deposited to department accounts through daily deposits. This series may include but is not limited to:


Bank deposit slips,
Cash by account reports,
Cash receipt slips,
Cash register tapes,
Check stubs,
Check registers,
Departmental deposit vouchers,
Monthly cash register reports,
Petty cash balance sheets,
Register reports,
Validation receipts.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department or College Finance


SEE ALSO: Accounts Receivable Records


17 Subsidiary Ledgers, Journals, and Registers document details of transactions such as those related to receipts and expenditures on a daily, monthly, quarterly, or similar basis. Includes journals, ledgers, registers, day books, and other account books that provide backup documentation to the general ledger. May include details of revenues, expenditures, encumbrances, cash receipts, warrants and others. Information often includes date, payee, purpose, fund credited, or debited, check number, and similar or related data. NOTE: These ledgers, journals, and registers may no longer be created due to the automation of accounting systems.


(a) Trust fund ledgers: 2 years after trust fund closed
(b) Other subsidiary ledgers, journals, and registers: 2 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: College Finance



Responsible unit:



01 Computer Services Disaster Recovery Plans
02 Computer System Maintenance Records
03 Computer System Program Documentation
04 Information System Planning and Development Records
05 Software Management Records


01 Computer Services Disaster Recovery Plans document the steps to take in case of a major disaster which has destroyed or compromised the operations of the department. Components of the recovery plan include but are not limited to:


  1. Data restoration including steps to be taken to reload data, recover data, reconnect networks, reestablish telephone connections, and reconnect modems and data phones,
  2. Equipment restoration including contacts with equipment suppliers and a list of replacement equipment to be purchased,
  3. Physical plant repair which includes a description of equipment needed and steps to be taken to repair the physical plant and its infrastructure such as electrical and air conditioning systems,
  4. Related procedures and needs dealing with risk management, College Relations, and financial issues.



Retention: until superseded
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Computer Services


SEE ALSO: Business Continuity and Recovery Plans



02 Computer System Maintenance Records document the maintenance of computer systems and are used to ensure compliance with any warranties or service contracts; schedule regular maintenance; diagnose system or component problems; and document system backups. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Component maintenance records (invoices, warranties, maintenance logs, correspondence, maintenance reports, and related records),
Computer equipment inventories,
Hardware performance reports,
Related documentation,
Other records related to system or component repair or service.


Retention: life of system or component


(b) Backup tape inventories,
System backup reports,
Other records related to regular or essential records backups.


Retention: until updated or obsolete
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Computer Services


03 Computer System Program Documentation document the addition, modification, or removal of software from a computer system. Records usually fall into six categories:


  1. records that document operating systems;
  2. records that document the in-house creation and modification of application programs;
  3. records that document the structure and forms of datasets;
  4. records that document the use of commercial software packages;
  5. records that document the structure of the system; and
  6. records that document system-to-system Communication.

Records may include but are not limited to:

  • Commercial software manuals,
  • Control program table documentation,
  • Conversion notes,
  • Data dictionaries,
  • Data directories
  • Dataset inventories,
  • Dataset logs,
  • Dataset record layouts,
  • Hard copies of table,
  • Job listings,
  • Operations logs,
  • Operator instruction manuals,
  • Program listings,
  • Program specifications and changes,
  • Programming logs,
  • Record layouts,
  • System development logs
  • System overviews,
  • System specifications and changes,
  • User views,
  • Related documentation.

Retention: for the life of the system
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Computer Services


SEE ALSO: Computer System Maintenance Records
Information System Planning and Development Records
Software Management Records


04 Information System Planning and Development Records document the planning and development of information systems. Although these records typically document computerized information systems, they may also document manual filing systems and microfilm systems. The records are used to ensure that planned systems will help the department fulfill its missions, are cost-effective, conform to adopted information standards, and integrate with existing information systems. Records may vary according to the level of documentation required for each system and may include but are not limited to:


Component proposals,
Cost-benefit analyses,
Department or program studies and surveys,
Feasibility studies,
Information technology plans,
System specifications and revisions,
Technical literature,
Vendor literature and proposals,
Related correspondence and documentation.


(a) Implemented systems: for the life of the system
(b) unimplemented systems: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Computer Services


SEE ALSO: Computer System Program Documentation


05 Software Management Records document the use of information systems software. Records are used to ensure that software packages are compatible, that license and copyright provisions are complied with, and that upgrades are obtained in a timely manner. Records may include but are not limited to:


Site licenses,
Software inventories,
Software licenses,
Software purchase records,
Related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: Until software is disposed of


SEE ALSO: Software Licensing Agreements

11 INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH RECORDS document the colleges reporting to federal and state agencies such as the US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, State Education Department, Office of Community College Services, and the State Office of Education Policy and Planning. Reports are prepared for such topics as adult education grants; Perkins professional technical grants; student right to know; graduation rates; enrollment, course data; staff data; financial data; and other topics as needed. Also documents research and reporting for internal management information such as outcome/performance measures, public affairs information, general information regarding enrollment and demographics, ad hoc department requests, accreditation, and other topics as needed. Reporting systems include Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and Oregon Community College Unified Reporting System (OCCURS). The records include but are not limited to:


Reports (hard copy, electronic, and microfilm / draft and final reports),


(a) IPEDS reports, OCCURS reports, and other official reports: permanent
(b) Other reports: permanent
(c) Preparation material: 1 year
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsble unit: Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning




01 Mail, Copy, and Print Services Account Records
02 Postal and Shipping Records
03 Work Orders Records

01 Mail, Copy, and Print Services Account Records document the processing and clearing of accounts for mail, copy, and print services. Records may include but are not limited to:

Account summaries of outgoing postage charged to departments,
Payment of charges,
Periodic reporting of charges to college accounts for printing and copy services,
Related documentation.
Records may be referred to the business office for collection and servicing of accounts.


(a) Copy machine accounts: 3 years
(b) Other accounts: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsble unit: creating office or department

02 Postal and Shipping Records document the mailing, shipping, and receipt of items by the U. S. Postal Service, UPS, Federal Express, and other private carriers. Records may include but are not limited to:


Delivery receipts,
Incoming and outgoing certified, registered, insured, or express mail records,
Outgoing and upkeep records,
Receipt verification notebooks,
Related documentation.


Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsble unit: creating office or department


03 Work Orders Records document requests and authorizations for needed services and/or repairs to college property and equipment. Records may include but are not limited to:


Copy center, printing, photography, microfilming requests and work orders,
Maintenance and repair authorizations,
Telephone service and installation requests and change orders.
Related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsble unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Building and Grounds Repair, Remodeling, and Construction Records


01 Acquisition Records
02 Borrower Registration Records
03 Circulation Records
04 Regional Cooperative Library Contract Records
05 Regional Cooperative Library Service Records
06 Films, Videotapes, and Sound Recordings
07 Inter-Library Loan Records
08 Library Catalog
09 Reference Records
10 Library Reports
11 Library Inventories
12 Library Publications

01 Acquisition Records document the process of requesting, ordering, acquiring and receiving books, periodicals, audio-visual, and other library materials. Provides a record of all items added and withdrawn each month. Records include but are not limited to:


Accession registers,
Electronic bibliographic records which are downloaded from the OCLC into the library catalog,
Purchase request forms (hard copy and/or electronic) which list the title and other bibliographic information about the item
requested, requesters name, request tracking data, subject area, and authorization signature,
Related documentation.


(a) Requesting and ordering records: 2 years
(b) Purchasing records: 3 year
(c) Other records: 1 year).
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library


SEE ALSO: Accounts Payable Records, Library Catalog


02 Borrower Registration Records grant students, faculty, staff, and other patrons of the library the privilege to use library resources and are used to control the circulation of library holdings. Records may be in the form of a library card, a bar code, or other record identifying and qualifying the patron.


Retention: until patron no longer registered at college and account cleared
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library


SEE ALSO: Circulation Records


03 Circulation Records document the borrowing of circulating library materials by faculty, students, staff, and other qualified patrons. Records are generally maintained electronically and transaction resolution may delete the active on-line record. Information may include but is not limited to name and identification of the borrower; titles of material borrowed; due date; overdue and fine payment notation; if item lost, or temporarily removed from circulation for repair; and related information.


(a) Statistical reports (detailing transactions for management use)


Retention: 10 years


(b) Other records

Retention: until transaction is completed
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library


SEE ALSO: Borrower Registration, Library Reports, Overdue Records
Audio-Visual Materials and Equipment Loan Records

NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


04 Regional Cooperative Library Contract Records document the agreements between college and cooperative regional library services. Records include but are not limited to establishing documents; contracts and addendums concerning the provision of library services; the sharing of materials; financial arrangements and reimbursement for services; agreement with the courier service concerning the movement of materials between libraries; and related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library


SEE ALSO: Cooperative Regional Library Service Records


05 Regional Cooperative Library Service Records document the establishment and administration of a regional cooperative library system, and the activities of advisory and policy groups founded to facilitate sharing information resources among libraries. Records may include but are not limited to establishing documents; meeting agendas; minutes and exhibits; reports and handouts; newsletters, publications; notes; working papers; membership lists; and correspondence.


(a) establishing documents: until service disestablished
(b) Minutes and exhibits: 20 years
(c) Other records: 5 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library


SEE ALSO: College Committee Records, Cooperative Regional Library Contract Records


06 Films, Videotapes, and Sound Recordings provides visual and audio documentation of college activities and events including college instruction, intercollegiate athletics, and other activities of students, faculty, and staff with significant relevance to the function and mission of the college or an individual unit. These productions are created for recruitment and orientation, fund-raising, publicity, research, and teaching. Records may include satellite video tapes, videos or films of courses and seminars, community and general interest programs, and other programs provided by the college. Records may include but are not limited to:


Audio tapes (all formats),
Compact audio discs,
Motion picture films,
Phonographic recordings,
Transcriptions (when available),
Video tapes (identified and labeled).


(a) Final productions

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department


(b) Preparation material and remaining footage, if final production does exist

Retention: until final product completed
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


(c) Acquired video tapes and films

Retention: retain according to terms of license or copyright agreement with provider
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department



07 Inter-Library Loan Records document materials borrowed and loaned by the library through an inter-library loan program in response to requests from patrons for materials in the college library. Materials may include books, serials, audio and video tapes, mixed media kits, and other library materials. Records may include but are not limited to:


ALA request forms,
Copies of citations,
ILL request forms,
Lender and borrower request records generated from electronic sources such as OCLC,
Tracking logs,
Related documentation.


Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library



08 Library Catalog contains the bibliographic records of all library and audio-visual holdings including books, magazines and serials, films and videos, interactive media, and other AV materials. The catalog documents the acquisition and maintenance of library holdings; provides patrons with access to library holdings; and documents accessioning, deaccessioning, and circulation of library materials. The catalog database is also used to produce reports on circulation activity, new acquisitions, and collection information. Records are generally created and maintained electronically and may contain modules for cataloging, serials, reserves, acquisitions, circulation, and community information. The holdings or inventory records, include but are not limited to title, author, subject entries, collection, call number, publication date, price or value, source, and related bibliographic documentation.


(a) Holdings records


Retention: until material withdrawn from the collection


(b) Serial holdings records

Retention: until subscription terminated or holdings withdrawn
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library


SEE ALSO: Acquisition Records, Circulation Records, Library Reports


09 Reference Records document the activities of the reference unit. Records may include but are not limited to:


Instructional request forms and scheduling data,
Library orientation records,
Periodic reports on reference usage and activities,
Related documentation.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Library


10 Library Reports document statistics and other data collected by the college library for internal research, collection development; planning and budgeting; to monitor library programs and activities; and to report to external sources such as the state library or the federal government. Records may include but are not limited to reports about:


Additions and withdrawals from the collection,
Courier service statistics,
Data tally sheets,
Inter-library loan activity,
Overdue data,
Reference activity,
Reports (annual / statistical and narrative) based on the data collected,
Summary compilations (compiled manually or electronically).

Circulation records / reports showing number of items checked out, category, number of holdings, time of checkout, length of checkout, student demographics, materials by subject, percentage of increase or decrease in activity, classes taught at the library, courier service statistics, special activities, and related documentation


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Library


11 Library Inventories document holdings collected by the college library. Records may include but are not limited to reports about:


Additions and withdrawals from the collection,
Missing and Overdue holdings,
Summary compilations (compiled manually or electronically).


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives,
Responsible unit: Library



12 Library Publications document events, guides and other materials published or printed by the Library. Records may include but are not limited to:




Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives,
Responsible unit: Library




01 Employee Time and Attendance Records
02 Employee Payroll Records
03 Payroll Registers
04 Wage and Tax Statement

document employee time worked and attendance. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Hours reports,
Time cards or sheets (individual time reports).


Retention: 50 years


(b) Absence, sick and vacation leave summary reports (leave sheets),
Monthly summary reports of employee attendance.

Retention: 1 academic year


(c) Other records: Forms used to record attendance,
Form used to record sick, vacation, and other absences (leave records),
Leave of absence requests and approval forms (leave of absence records, for absences of 10+ days),
Related documentation and correspondence
(Some records may be duplicated in the employees personnel file.)

Retention: 2 years after employee separation (50 years)
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Personnel Services-Payroll


SEE ALSO: Employee Payroll Records

NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


document individual employee pay history. The records may include but are not limited to:


Child support claim records,
Deduction reports (mandatory withholding, such as FICA, federal and state income tax, and workers comp),
Electronic deposit authorizations,
Garnishment orders,
Insurance applications and beneficiary designations,
Pay related personnel action documents,
Payroll authorization records (time card edits),
PERS enrollment forms,
Source documentation authorizing payroll deductions and withholding (W-4 forms, union dues, charitable contributions, etc.).


(a) Records necessary for PERS enrollment: 50 years
(b) Other records: 5 years after employee separation if records are filed under name of
individual or 3 years if records are batch filed.
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Personnel Services-Payroll, College Finance


SEE ALSO: Work Study Payroll Records

NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.

~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality for more details.


document the earnings, voluntary and required deductions and withholdings of all college employees. The records may include monthly listings of all paid employees with details of their earnings and deductions.


(a) Year-end official copy: 50 years
(b) Other copies including monthly reports and check history: 1 year
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Personnel Services-Payroll


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ???????????????.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.

~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality for more details.


document individual earnings
and withholdings for state and federal taxes and social security. The records consist of:


W-2 forms,
Wage and tax reports filed with the federal and state governments.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Personnel Services-Payroll, College Finance


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.

~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.






01 Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Records
02 Contract Administration Records
03 Classification Specification Records
04 Collective Bargaining Records
05 Compensation Plan Records
06 Complaint Records
07 Criminal History Record Checks
08 Employee Benefits Records
09 Employee Medical Records
10 Employee Personnel Records (Individual)
11 Employment Eligibility Verification Forms (I-9s)
12 Recruitment and Selection Records
13 Specialized Employment Services Client Records
14 Staff Training Records
15 Unemployment Compensation Claim Records
16 Wellness Program Records


01 Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Records document compliance with statutes and regulations of the US. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission including affirmative action. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Final Plans,
Equal Opportunity plans, updates and policy statements.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity


(b) Discrimination complaints,
Hearing and meeting records,
Supporting documentation.

Retention: 10 years after final decision
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity


(c) Other records described in ???????????????.

Retention: 3 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.

02 Contract Administration Records (Alternate Title: Bargaining Unit Records; Grievance Records) document negotiations and contractual agreements between the institution and bargaining units and are also used for labor relations planning. (Records may refer to complaints and grievances.) Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Bargaining unit lists,
Fair Share records,
Grievance records,
Layoff documentation records,
Minutes, sound recordings, exhibits and reports of meetings,
Newspaper clippings,
Press releases,
Research background material,
Seniority lists.


Retention: 20 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources


(b) Published manuals.

Retention: until superseded
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources


Collective Bargaining Records
Complaint Records


03 Classification Specification Records document the development of the specification for each personnel position at the college. The records may include but are not limited to:


Classification specifications,
Job analysis,
Position descriptions,
Position evaluations,
Reclassification requests.


Retention: 20 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources



04 Collective Bargaining Records document collective bargaining between the college and bargaining unit(s). (Records refer to contract negotiating and bargaining process.) The records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Union contracts and amendments


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Human Resources


(b) Arbitrators recommendations,
Grievance arbitration decisions,
Management counter proposals,
Negotiation updates,
Negotiation work notes,
Newspaper clippings and press releases,
Newspaper plans,
Research material,
Strike contingency plans,
Tentative agreements,
Other contract development records.
May also include conciliation, mediation, and grievance related records.

Retention: 30 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources, Presidents Office or creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Contract Administration Records


05 Compensation Plan Records

06 Complaint Records document complaints brought by or against faculty, staff, students, and people from outside the college. Complaints may be resolved formally or informally at the departmental level or they may be referred or appealed to a variety of offices, depending on the grievance, issues, and persons involved. Records may include but are not limited to:


Appeals documentation and correspondence,
Final summary,
Formal hearing notes (including audio tapes),
Informal discussions notes,
Notice of complaints,


Retention: 5 years after resolved
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating unit or department


Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Records
Collective Bargaining Records
Contract Administration Records
Student Complaint Records
NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


07 Criminal History Record Checks document the criminal record checks made on students, staff and volunteers. Records consist of a form sent to the Department of Human Resources or Employment Department, Child Care Division to check the Oregon Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS) for the existence of criminal records for staff, students or volunteers. The criminal history form shows name and other identifying information about the student, volunteer, or staff member, indication of existence or absence of criminal record, and related information.


Retention: 2 years
SEE ALSO: Recruitment and Selection Records


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


08 Employee Benefits Records document individual employee benefit information such as selection of insurance plans, PERS status and other benefit program information. Records include but are not limited to:


(a) PERS enrollment and benefit designation forms.


Retention: 50 years


(b) Correspondence,
Deduction termination forms,
Deferred compensation plan enrollment forms,
Insurance plan selection and application forms and enrollment cards,
Tax sheltered annunity (TSA) enrollment forms,
Voluntary payroll deduction authorization forms.

Retention: 2 years after employee separation or eligibility expired
Dispostion: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources


SEE ALSO: Payroll Records
NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


09 Employee Medical Records document individual employee work related medical history. The records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Hazard exposure records.


Retention: 30 years after separation, or as specified by 29 CFR 1910.20
Disposition: transfer to Archives, destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning


(b) Correspondence,
Documentation of work related injuries or illnesses,
Drug test records,
First aid incident records,
Medical examination records (episodic, pre-employment, or pre-assignment),
Physician statements,
Records of significant health or disability limitations related to job assignments,
Release consent forms,

Retention: 3 years after separation
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources or creating office or department


NOTE: These records must be kept physically separate from the employee personnel files as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


10 Employee Personnel Records (Individual) document individual employee work history. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Complaint and disciplinary records,
Emergency notification form (most recent),
Employment applications (most recent and first successful),
Home address/telephone disclosures,
Letters of commendation and recommendation,
Letters of reprimand,
Letters of resignation,
Licensure (certification) records,
Notices of appointment,
Notices of disciplinary action,
Notices of layoff,
Oaths of office,
Performance evaluations,
Personnel actions,
Records of health limitations;
Salary schedules,
Teacher evaluation reports,
Training records,
Related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: 50 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources


(b) Student evaluation of faculty and courses input data forms.
Retention: until tabulated
Student evaluation of faculty and courses summary reports.

Retention: until summarized or included in performance or teacher evaluation reports
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Criminal History Check Records
Employee Benefits Records
Employee Medical Records
Recruitment and Selection Records

NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


11 Employment Eligibility Verification Forms (I-9s) document the filing of I-9 forms which verify that applicant and employees are eligible to work in the United States. These forms may be kept in Individual Employee Personnel Files or in a separate file for ease of reference. The records consist of U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Form I-9. Information includes employee information and verification data citizenship or alien status and signature; employer review and verification data documents which establish identity and eligibility, and employers signature certifying that documents have been checked.


Retention: the longer of 3 years or 1 year after employee separation (50 years)
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


12 Recruitment and Selection Records document the recruitment and selection of college employees. The records may include but are not limited to recruitment and application materials.


(a) Unsolicited applications.


Retention: 3 months
Disposition: destroy


(b) Solicited applications,
Vacancy posting files,
Other records.

Retention: 10 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy


(c) Notices of vacancy.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Human Resources or creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details


13 Specialized Employment Services Client Records document the employment history of clients in the Specialized Employment Services program. Records may include but are not limited to:


Time sheets
Payroll records
ISP (Individualized Support Plan) meeting records
Reports and correspondence with the State Mental Health Division about the placement
Progress of clients


Retention: 7 years after termination
Dispostion: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible Unit: Human Resources


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


14 Staff Training Records document the activities involved in developing and/or providing in-service and other training to college staff and faculty. The student academic database holds the records of academic courses, workshops, and training sessions which faculty and staff may attend. Records may include but are not limited to:


Class enrollment and attendance records,
Copies of contract instructor agreements,
Credit records to document receipt of funds based on the participation,


Retention: 5 years
Dispostion: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


15 Unemployment Compensation Claim Records document claims submitted by former employees for unemployment compensation. Records may include but are not limited to:


Related Records
Records generated by claim determination appeals


Retention: 4 years
Dispostion: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible Unit: Human Resources


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy for more details.


16 Wellness Program Records document the development and operation of the colleges wellness program. The records include but are not limited to:


Health and committee records,
Health surveys,
Program statements,
Workshop and seminar records


Retention: 3 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department



01 Officer Notebooks
02 Parking Records
03 Vehicle Pool Inspection Records


01 Officer Notebooks are notes written by officers during the course of a shift that may pertain to contacts, incidents, unusual circumstances, and other subjects. Information may include names, dates, times, vehicles, activities, locations, and related data.


Retention: 2 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Campus Public Safety


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
Information may be exempt from public disclosure .
If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
SEE: Access & Confidentiality for more details.

Parking Records document the issuance of permits and citations for on-campus parking. Records may include but are not limited to:


Annual permit cards,
Appeal petitions,
Parking permits reports,
Temporary permits,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: 2 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Campus Public Safety


03 Vehicle Pool Inspection Records document daily safety inspections of college Public Safety owned vehicles. Records include but are not limited to annual motor vehicle inspection reports, and related forms, documentation, and correspondence.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning


SEE ALSO: Vehicle Records


01 Marketing Research Records
02 Press Releases
03 Publications

01 Marketing Research Records document research done to provide information about significant events and issues affecting the college. The records are used for research, and public information and education. The records include but are not limited to:


Marketing and promotional samples,
News clippings,
Notes from focus groups,


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Marketing and College Relations


02 Press Releases document college information officially released to the media for dissemination to the public. The records consist of press releases and public service announcements.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Marketing and College Relations or creating office or department


03 Publications include publications produced by individual college offices, including student publications. It may be used to document the activities of the office for educational or informational purposes, or to communicate programs, policies, and events.


(a) Final publication


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department


(b) Preparation records

Retention: until final publication printed
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: College Catalog Records




01 OSHA Employee Safety Training Records
02 Risk Factor Reports
03 Safety Committee Records
04 Safety Inspection Records


01 OSHA Employee Safety Training Records document student and staff training and certification for equipment operation and driver training. Records may include but are not limited to:


Copies of data sheets,
Informational materials,
Instruction sheets,
Sign off sheets indicating that employees have received training,
Related documentation and correspondence.
Records include group training sessions. Records document training programs in compliance with OSHA pograms and standards. Examples of training programs include hazardous communication, blood borne pathogens, fork lift driver training, and other areas. Records may include but are not limited to:


  • Bibliographies,
  • Class lists,
  • Handouts,
  • Instructional materials,
  • Training certification forms,
  • Related documentation.

Retention: 2 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Environmental Health and Safety Plans and Procedures

02 Risk Factor Reports document annual report from the insurance company analyzing insurance claim activity and assessing campus safety in order to determine appropriate insurance needs. Records include but are not limited to:


Report to the colleges board of education or governing board from the insurance company,
Related documentation may include records of RFP in agent selection procedures.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Purchasing, College Operations-Budget Office


03 Safety Committee Records document the actions and activities of workplace safety committees which oversee or advise the college on workplace safety issues. Subjects may include hazards to employees, students, and the general public; construction design and repair safety concerns; suggestions; complaints; state and federal rules and regulations; and related issues. Records may include but are not limited to:




Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Human Resources


04 Safety Inspection Records document safety inspections and college compliance with state and local safety regulations. Records may include internal inspections of campus buildings, facilities, or activities to identify unsafe conditions and safety hazards, especially in high risk areas. Safety inspections may be generated by the workplace safety committee or required by state and local laws. Records may also include reports on building, fire alarm system, elevator, and boiler inspections performed by state and local agencies as well as citations received by the college. Records may include but are not limited to:


Follow-up actions,
Inspection reports,
Survey summaries and reports,
Related documentation.


Retention: 10 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department



01 Accident, Injuries and Incident Records

02 Business Continuity and Recovery Plans

03 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Records

04 Environmental Health and Safety Plans and Procedures

05 Hold Harmless/Liability Waivers
06 Insurance Claims
07 Insurance Policies
08 Key Issuance Records


01 Accident, Injuries and Incident Records document the reporting and investigation of campus related accidents that result in injury to persons or their property. This record series may include accidents or incidents which involve hazardous chemical exposure; first aid reports; blood contaminations; body fluid spills; and other types of accidents. Records may include but are not limited to:


Accident report forms,
Insurance appraisals and estimates,
Investigation reports,
Other campus incidents reports,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Records also document the reporting of accidents, criminal incidents, and other activities of the campus police or public safety office. Types of incidents may include vehicle accidents; fire alarm and fire drills, field interrogations; bookstore shoplifting incidents; telephone complaints and fraud; criminal incidents; motorist and public assistance requests; escort requests; suspicious behavior; requests to lock/unlock; and other security related activities. Records include but are not limited to:

Accident claims,
Copies of reports filed by Arkansas State Police, the sheriffs department, or other local lay enforcement agencies,
Damage liability or loss of property reports,
Death reports,
Incident reports which contain names, dates, course numbers, dollar values, locations, descriptions of incident, and personnel tallying report,
Notes and memos,
Vehicle accident reports.
Records may be transferred or referred to Risk Management in College Operations.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Campus Public Safety and/or College Operations (for property and liability insurance issues)


02 Business Continuity and Recovery Plans document the development, implementation and updating of the colleges plans for operations during and recovery from emergencies or disasters. The records include but are not limited to:


(a) Correspondence,
Final plans.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning, College Operations, Marketing and College Relations, Campus Public


(b) Draft plans,
Other records.

Retention: until plan adopted or superseded
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Facilities Management and Planning, College Operations, Marketing and College Relations, Campus Public Safety


SEE ALSO: Computer Services Disaster Recovery Plans
Environmental Health and Safety Plans and Procedures


03 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Records may be used by campus safety and security officers for law enforcement purposes. Information in the reports may include but is not limited to car license plate number; name of registered owner; address of owner; and related data elements.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: College Operations-Budget Office


04 Environmental Health and Safety Plans and Procedures document procedures to follow in the event of emergency such as earthquakes, floods, hazardous materials release, or other disaster. Records may include rules, plans, forms, and procedures which often relate to regulatory compliance according to OSHA standards such as hazardous communication standards, blood borne pathogens, or fork lift driver training.


(a) Adopted plans


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department


(b) Other records if federal funding received

Retention: 3 years after annual or final expenditure report submitted
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


(c) Other records if no federal funding received

Retention: 2 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Business Continuity and Recovery Plans
Computer Services Disaster Recovery Plans


05 Hold Harmless/Liability Waivers document the release of the college from liability related to various activities involving students, or faculty, or staff. Waivers or hold harmless agreements may concern activities on college sponsored field trips, participation in physical education classes, and other activities. Information included in the waivers usually states that the participant assumes personal responsibility and holds the college blameless for any accident or injury; informs the student or participant of college insurance; describes the activity; and contains signatures and related information.


Retention: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


06 Insurance Claims document requests for payment of personal or property claims
filed by students, faculty, staff, or visitors to the college campus. Records may include but are not limited to:


Copies of incident or accident report from the Public Safety department,
Narrative description of incident, accident, or injury,
Related documentation.


(a) Property claims: 5 years after all claims settled or closed
(b) Personal claims: 10 years after all claims settled or closed
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: College Operations-Budget Office or creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Accidents, Injuries, and Incident Reports


07 Insurance Policies document the terms and conditions of insurance policies between the college and insurers. Types of insurance may include but are not limited to general liability, volunteer, property, computer equipment, automobile, professional child care, and workers compensation. Records may include but are not limited to:


Insurance application forms which state information about college employees, building, and property needed to purchase insurance,
Related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: 10 years after policy expired
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: College Operations-Budget Office or creating office or department


08 Key Issuance Records document key assignments and deposits (if applicable) for college faculty, staff, students, and others using college facilities. Series also documents administration of the automatic access card system. Records may include but are not limited to:


Key and card inventories,
Key and card logs,
Key or access card issue approval forms,
Paid receipts,
Refund forms,
Return forms,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: 1 year after key returned
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Campus Public Safety, Facilities Management and Planning


SEE ALSO: Insurance Claims



20 CATERING & SPECIAL EVENT RECORDS document catering service for special events hosted by the college. Records may include but are not limited to:


Billing records,
Catering service orders,
Customer evaluations,
Customer room occupancy lists,
Purchase and supply records,
Summary reports.


Retention: 2 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


01 Assessment, Placement and Testing Records
02 Grade Records
03 Graduation Evaluation Records
04 Student Academic Advising Records
05 Student Academic Records
06 Student Academic Petition Records
07 Student Conduct Records
08 Veterans Student Records
09 Surveys
10 Student Academic Work


01 Assessment, Placement and Testing Records document the administration of assessment, placement, diagnostic, challenge exams and other formal tests. Types of testing and assessment services offered may include but are not limited to entrance, placement, or skills tests such as General Education Development (GED) test; aptitude test; vocational aptitude and interest surveys; personality inventories; career self-exploration research tests and surveys; placement tests for math, reading, and writing skills; or hearing and vision tests. Records may include but are not limited to:


Examiners manuals,
Exams and tests,
Placement and test results,
Rosters of test takers,
Summary reports,
Test administration records,
Test order and payment records,
Testing rules and regulations.


(a) Placement test, GED and NLN test records: 5 years
(b) Special academic program orientation records: 1 year
(c) Other records: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


02 Grade Records document the grades awarded by instructors and serves as the basis for the students official academic records. Records may include test, assignment, paper, and homework scores; attendance records; and final grades for students. Records may also include grade reports, report cards, and grade histories which are distributed to students at the end of each term and which indicate course numbers and titles, grades, awarded and grade point average. Records in this series may include but are not limited to:


(a) Official (electronic) grade records: 50 years
(b) Grade change forms or grade sheets: 10 years
(c) Contested grade records: until resolved
(d) Other records: 1 year
Final grade rosters,
Grade confirmation reports
Instructors grade books,
Related documentation which is reported to the Registrars Office for inclusion in the students academic record.
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit:
Student Records,
Adult Basic & Secondary Education,
or creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records

NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


03 Graduation Evaluation Records document the progress made
toward graduation by students. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Electronic or paper confirmation that student completed degree requirements.


Retention: 50 years


(b) Applications for graduations,
Curriculum deviation/course waiver forms,
Degree audit records,
Degree audits or evaluations by program,
Departmental notes and working paper,
Transcripts from other colleges,
Transfer credit evaluation forms,
Other documents related to graduation evaluations.

Retention: 10 years


(c) Diploma replacement requests: 1 year

Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Student Records or creating office or department


SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records


04 Student Academic Advising Records document the students academic progress within a specific department or program, including student athletes. Most of the components in these records are reference copies of records maintained in the files of the Registrars Office and are maintained for the convenience of the student academic advisors.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding,
or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


05 Student Academic Records document the admission and academic progress
of students enrolled in the college. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Records of academic probation or suspension,
Records relating to student records requests and disclosures,


Retention: 50 years


(b) Challenge/credit by assessment documents,
Final and articulated grade sheets,
Grade change requests.

Retention: 10 years


(c) International student applications, I-20s issued, and other records: 5 years

(d) Applications for admissions: 3 years

(e) Other records: 1 year
Add/drop forms,
Change of major notification,
Demographic information,
FERPA Student Status Confirmation Reports,
Notices of acceptance to limited entry program,
Registration forms,
Report cards,
Requests for audit and pass/no pass forms,
Residency verifications,
Student schedules,
Transcripts from high schools and other colleges,
Tuition and fee information,
Underage enrollment documentation.

Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit:
Student Records, Adult Basic & Secondary Education,
or other creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


06 Student Academic Petition Records document student petitions for exemption from institution regulations and procedures by the Academic Council. Records may include student requests to change credit requirements, pass-no-pass, and other regulations and procedures.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy Responsible unit: Student Records, Adult Basic & Secondary Education, or other creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


07 Student Conduct Records document academic dishonesty and conduct violations among students. Records concern disciplinary actions, the appeals process, and the process of conflict resolution. Records may include but are not limited to:


Incident reports
Final reports
Notification of allegation
Disciplinary reports
Informal discussion notes
Formal hearing notes
Final summary statements
Decision statements
Appeals documentation
Conflict resolution process
Related documentation and correspondence


(a) Case files involving expulsion, degree revocation, or negative notation on the transcript: 50 years
(b) Case files involving suspension: 10 years
(c) All other disciplinary files: 3 years
Dispostion: Transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible Unit: Instruction and Student Services


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502 (2).
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


08 Veterans Student Records document the status of military veterans who have requested veterans benefits and are registered as students of the college. Records may include but are not limited to:


Records completed and submitted to the Veterans Administration to request, start, or reinstate veterans benefits,
Other records that document student participation in a variety of educational benefits programs for veterans.


Retention: 3 years following termination of enrollment period
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Veterans Office


SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records


09 Surveys document ________________________. Survey records may include but are not limited to:


Student satisfaction surveys,
Graduate surveys,
Withdrawal surveys


Retention: Permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Creating office



10 Student Academic Work documents the academic work of the colleges students and employees.


Retention: Permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Archives




01 Agency Sponsored Program Records
02 Cooperative Work Experience Records
03 Occupational Skills Training Records
04 Peer Assistant Program Records
05 Placement Service Records
06 Services to Students with Disabilities Program Records
07 Student Advising and Counseling Records
08 Student Complaint Records
09 Student Government Administrative Records
10 Student Handbooks
11 Student Recruitment Records
12 Student Rights and Responsibilities Document
13 Tutoring Records


01 Agency Sponsored Program Records document the participation of agency-sponsored students in college programs. Agencies might include, but are not limited to, Adult and Family Services (AFS) Division, Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS), Vocational Rehabilitation Division, Vocational Rehabilitation Division (VRD), Veterans Administration, Jobs Training and Preparation Act (JTPA), Social Security and local agencies. Records may include but are not limited to:

Applications for service,
Case correspondence,
Employment development plans (EDP),
Fee expenditures documents,
Participant case files,
Progress files.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


02 Cooperative Work Experience Records document student participation in and college administration of cooperative work experience programs which provide credit for learning on the work site. Records include but are not limited to:


Registration records (which are entered into the students academic record),
Training agreements and learning objectives contracts between the college, student and employee,
Work habit evaluation reports,
Related correspondence and documentation.
(a) Contracts and agreements (student records)

Retention: 6 years after expiration

(b) Other records


Retention: 10 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Cooperative Education


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


03 Occupational Skills Training Records Records document student participant in and college administration of programs designed to provide occupational skills training for persons recruited from governmental programs such as vocational rehabilitation, workers compensation, or veterans programs. Records include but are not limited to:


Counseling case files and notes,
Progress in learning objectives report,
Student attendance and job performance reports,
Related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


04 Peer Assistant Program Records document the administration and activities of the peer assistant program. Peer assistants are trained college students who assist other student with the personal, academic, and social concerns; refer students to college counselors; provide information about college and community resources; assist with student orientation; make presentations; and assist the counseling and advising staff in a variety of ways. Records may include but are not limited to:


Activity contact logs,
Evaluation records,
Meeting agendas and minutes,
Program notebooks or files containing records about funding, recruitment, publicity, projects, and training,
Reports summarizing program activities and analyzing the assistance provided,
Student application and selection records including application forms, reference letters, transcripts, and interview records,
training and work schedules,
Related correspondence and documentation.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


05 Placement Service Records document student participation in the job placement services provided by the college for students and others in the community. Records may include but are not limited to:


Correspondence with employers,
Job history records,
Job postings,
List of employers and job listings,
Related documentation.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Job Placement Office


SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records
NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


06 Services to Students with Disabilities Program Records document student participation in the Services to Students with Disabilities Program. The records may include but are not limited to:


Autobiographical essays,
Counseling interview notes,
Counseling referrals,
Diagnostic test result and correspondence,
Health professional evaluation reports,
High school transcripts and academic work-sheets,
Physicians statements and letters of recommendation,
Recommendations for student applicants,
Records of services provided,
Special admissions applications checklists.


Retention: 1 year after date last attended
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Disability Services


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some records may be exempt from disclosure because of Americans with Disabilities Act.
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


07 Student Advising and Counseling Records document college counseling and non-academic advising activities such as career planning and selection, personal counseling, and educational planning and monitoring. Records may include but are not limited to:


Advisor or counselor notes,
Personality and interest tests,
Records and test scores from outside agencies,
Test and assessment results,
Related documentation.


Retention: 5 years
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Counseling Department


SEE ALSO: Student Academic Advising Records

NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


08 Student Complaint Records document grievances or complaints brought forward by students against the institution concerning student conduct and violations of student rights and responsibilities. Records may include but are not limited to:


Appeals documentation,
Final summary statements,
Formal hearings notes (including audio tapes),
Informal discussion notes,
Notices of grievance,
Resolution of grievance,
Summary of interviews,
Written description of the complaint,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: 10 years after resolution
Disposition: transfer to Records Center, destroy
Responsible unit: Instruction & Student Services


SEE ALSO: Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Records
Bargaining Unit Records
Grievance Records
Student Complaint Records


NOTE: Confidentiality of Records
~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy


09 Student Government Administrative Records document the history, development, and policies of campus student organizations, including student clubs, government, and newspaper. Records may include but are not limited to:


(a) Committee and task-force records,
Constitution and by-laws,
Election records,
Officer rosters,
Student senate bill and resolution files.

Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: Student Activities

(b) Budget and accounting records,
Student organization annual review forms,
Other records.

Retention: 3 years
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: Student Activities

10 Student Handbooks document the requirements and policies for current of potential students. This series may contain information or policies on fields of study; faculty; academic requirements; the evaluation process; and research proposal process.


Retention: permanent
Disposition: transfer to Archives
Responsible unit: creating office or department

11 Student Recruitment Records document the requirement and policies for current or potential students. This series may contain but is not limited to:


Copies of test scores and copies of academic transcripts,
Personal information forms and resumes,
Interview and conversation notes,
Personal information forms and resumes,
Prospect lists,
Related documentation and correspondence.


Retention: current term
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department


12 Student Rights and Responsibilities Document document the contract between the student and institution concerning student rights and responsibilities, rules of student conduct, freedoms, and due process. The document contains statements of code of behavior, student rights, conflict resolution, student discipline, and the appeal process. The statement is published in the student handbook and catalog.


Retention: 6 years after expiration
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

13 Tutoring Records document tutoring services provided to students. Records include but are not limited to:

Registration records,
Tutor class records,
Tutor (student hourly, work study, or staff) personnel records,
Tutor training records.


Retention: 1 year
Disposition: destroy
Responsible unit: creating office or department

~ Some information may be exempt from public disclosure.
~ If the records contain confidential information, they must be destroyed by pulping, shredding, or incineration.
NOTE: Confidentiality of Records ~ SEE: Access & Confidentiality Policy