More eBooks related to Career Development are available through the Librarys databases.
The career cowards guide to career advancement sensible strategies for overcoming
career fears by Piotrowski, Katy. Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works, c2009.
Career development edited by Hjalmar Ohlsson and Hanne Borg. New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2010.
Career development, employment, and disability in rehabilitation : from theory to
practice edited by David R. Strauser. New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company, LLC, [2014].
Career development in the schools edited by Grafton T. Eliason, John Patrick. Charlotte, NC : IAP, c2008.
Career development programs preparation for lifelong career decision making edited by Wendy Patton and Mary McMahon. Melbourne : Australian Council for Educational
Research, 2001.
Career directions by Patricia L. Burch Saint Paul, Minn.: EMC Pub., 1991. Call no: HF5381.2 .C3744
Conquer resume objections by Robert F. Wilson and Erik H. Rambusch. New York: Wiley, 1994. Call no: HF5382.75.U6
W54 1994
Country careers: successful ways to live and work in the country by Jerry Germer. New York: Wiley, 1993. Call no: HF5384 .G47 1993
Developing HR Talent: Building a Strategic Partnership with the Business by Kirsty Saddler and Jan Hills.
Disaster proof your career tactics to survive, thrive and keep ahead in the workplace
by Patrick Forsyth. London; Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 2010.
Effective Executive Compensation : Creating a Total Rewards Strategy for Executives by Michael Dennis Graham, Dawn Dugan and Thomas A. Roth. New York: AMACOM. 2008
Exploring future options a career development curriculum for middle school students
by Perry, Nancy
Focus on the future a career development curriculum for secondary school students
by Perry, Nancy. New York, NY: International Debate Education Association, c2006.
Getting your moneys worth from training and development a guide to breakthrough learning
for managers by Jefferson, Andrew
Go hire yourself an employer by Richard K. Irish Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1978. Call no: HF5383 .I75 1978
Gower Handbook of Discrimination at Work by Hazel Conley and Tessa Wright. Farnham, Surrey, England : Routledge. 2011.
Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management, 5th, by John Gattorna. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 2016
Job search and career checklists 101 proven time-saving checklists to organize and
plan your career search by Hirsch, Arlene S.
Jump start your career in library and information science by Priscilla K. Shontz. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2002. Call no: Z682.35.V62
S47 2002
Library services for career planning, job searching, and employment opportunities edited by Byron Anderson. New York: Haworth Press, 1992. Call no: Z711.92.U53 b L54
Managers in the making careers, development and control in corporate Britain and Japan
by Storey, John
Not just another job: how to invent a career that works for younow and in the future by Tom Jackson. New York: Times Books, 1992. Call no: HF5381 .J365 1992
Problem-solving by Dandi Daley Mackall. Chicago, Ill.: Ferguson Pub., 1998. Call no: HD30.29 .M33
A quality of life approach to career development by Peruniak, Geoffrey S.
Self-development by Dandi Daley Mackall. Chicago, Ill.: Ferguson Pub., 1998. Call no: HF5381 .M196
The sense of vocation a study of career and life development by Cochran, Larry.
Strengthening a workforce for innovative regulatory science in therapeutics development
workshop summary by Steve Olson and Anne B. Claiborne, rapporteurs; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development,
and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy,
What color is your parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1971- . Call no: HF5382.7
What do I do now?: making sense of todays changing workplace by Shena Crane. Irvine, CA: Vista Press, 1994. < Call no: HF5386 C8933 1994
Winning Job Interviews, Revised Edition by Paul Powers. Ed.: Rev. ed. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press. 2010