ARE-ON is a consortium of research and education institutions and public service agencies that was formed to foster the development of Arkansas research, education, public service and economic development.

The mission of ARE-ON is to promote, develop and apply advanced application and communication technologies to support and enhance education, research, public service and economic development.
ARE-ONs Guiding Principles

ARE-ON Higher Education Repositories:

  • Merlot (Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) is a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials and pedagogy. MERLOT is a leading edge, user-centered, collection of peer reviewed higher education, online learning materials, catalogued by registered members and a set of faculty development support services.MERLOTs strategic goal is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning by increasing the quantity and quality of peer reviewed online learning materials that can be easily incorporated into faculty designed courses.

    MERLOTs activities are based on the creative collaboration and support of its Individual Members, Institutional Partners, Corporate Partners and Editorial Boards.

    MERLOT maintains its currency through ongoing and continuing communication with its worldwide supporters in a variety of ways, including the annual MERLOT International Conference, the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT), member publications, news, and our new Voices website to enable MERLOT users to communication with others.

  • National Science Digital Library NSDL is the nations online portal for education and research on learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
  • North Carolina Learning Object Repository (NCLOR) collects documents, audio/video clips, simulations, learning modules, assessments, and more virtually any type of learning resource that can be digitized and processed. Teachers from around the state can then search the NCLOR, find materials appropriate to the classes they are teaching, and use them as is or modify them to suit their needs. This concept of sharing and reusing is the core of the NCLOR philosophy. Teachers can become more productive and efficient. If quality course or digital materials exist and are free for North Carolina faculty, why reinvent the wheel? Want to look around? Get instant guest access is available by clicking here.
  • Florida Orange Grove is a online library of openly available instructional resources for Floridas educators. We support faculty in meeting a core value of education: to openly share ones knowledge with others. Many of the resources, such as our Open Textbook collection, are openly available to the public. The repository can also be integrated with a Florida Higher Education Institutions learning management system such as Blackboard. Tutorials for using the repository are available in Resources. There are many opportunities for involvement such as becoming an Orange Grove Scholar, taking part in our professional development training, and contributing resources.
  • Institutional Data Management Resources first gained attention in 2002, when universities began offering in-house services to manage and disseminate their digital materials. These repositories evolved in response to faculty needs, changes in electronic scholarly publishing, and the affordability of digital preservation. No single blueprint for an institutional repository existsthey range from MITs DSpace to the Caltech Collection of Open Digital Archives (CODA). EDUCAUSE identifies and provides links concerning the institutional repositories that may be useful to the higher education community
  • SHODOR is a national resource for computational science education, serves students and educators nationwide. Its mission is to improve math and science education through the use of modeling and simulation technologies computational science.
  • SREB, founded in 1948, the Southern Regional Education Board is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works with leaders and policy-makers in 16 member states to improve pre-K through postsecondary education. Through many nationally recognized programs and services, SREBs mission is helping states achieve the 12 Challenge to Lead Goals for Education.
  • TeraGrid is an open scientific discovery infrastructure combining leadership class resources at eleven partner sites to create an integrated, persisten computational resource. Using high-performance network connections, the TeraGrid integrates high-performance computers, data resources and tools, and high-end experimental facilities around the country. Researchers can also access more than 100 discipline-specific databases. With this combination of resources, the Teragrid is the worlds largest, most comprehensive distributed cyberinfrastructure for open scientific research.
  • Texas Digital Library (TDL) is a consortium of higher education institutions in Texas that provides shared services in support of research and teaching. It began in 2005 as a partnership between four of the states largest Association of Research Libraries (ARL) universities: Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, the University of Houston, and the University of Texas at Austin. It has extended membership in the consortium to any of the states institutions of higher learning and, as of September 2011, has 15 members, representing large and small institutions from every region of the state.

    The mission of the TDL is to draw from the combined resources of its members to provide cost-effective, collaborative solutions to the challenges of digital storage, publication, and preservation of research, scholarship, and teaching materials.